Experience the magic of an Enneagram deep dive! Oriented toward beginners, this three-day, fully residential Retreat will take us on a journey around the Enneagram, with experiential exercises for each of the nine personality Types. “Beyond the
Veil” refers to how we will be learning to differentiate between the true spiritual Essence of each point and its corresponding “veil” of the personality, sometimes called the “false” or “conditioned” self.
I have been creating and leading Enneagram retreats since 2009, and it is still my favorite way to invite newcomers into the work. Feeling welcomed, cared for, and safe creates ideal conditions for softening our habitual patterns and defenses, allowing for learning and growth.
The beauty and power of an immersive, communal experience that gives equal attention to all nine Types cannot be overstated. We will be invited to locate and experience the energies of all nine Types in our own body/heart/mind system and witness them in our fellow travelers. In doing so, we remember our shared humanity. We begin to understand things about ourselves and the people in our lives that we misjudged before; these are insights that last long after we go back home. Awakening to the truth “beyond the veil” is a catalyst that can begin a process of profound change in even the most entrenched patterns.
Our schedule is spacious, with free time for rest, wandering in nature, playing with art supplies, and/or quiet contemplation. Participants are encouraged to tune into their own knowing about what is needed, and all activities are optional.
Program fee (includes all meals and snacks): $495. Lodging is extra and prices vary according to accommodations (first-come, first-served). Email me at enneawake@gmail.com for options and prices. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please ask if you need a price reduction in order to attend.
Because I am hosting this Retreat at my home, and it is an intimate experience with a small group, I require new students to meet with me over Zoom to make sure it’s the right thing at the right time.
If you are interested in attending, please email me at enneawake@gmail.com to begin the process.